Apple Vision Pro

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Apple Vision Pro

Postby cowpatz » Sun Jun 11, 2023 9:17 am

Some possibilities for the VR junkies.

The promo vid does look like an episode out of the Netflix series Black Mirror.

Whether it’s good or bad the technology is simply amazing.

Watch on
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Re: Apple Vision Pro

Postby Splitpin » Sun Jun 11, 2023 10:36 am

Incredible, that could open up a whole new world for the disabled.
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Re: Apple Vision Pro

Postby Charl » Sun Jun 11, 2023 11:15 am

Yes at first glance USD3.5k does sound a bit steep, but then you could throw away all the other personal computing devices and never get up off the couch.
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Re: Apple Vision Pro

Postby toprob » Sun Jun 11, 2023 11:29 am

Yes, some amazing tech/hardware. I didn't know anything about this until a family dinner last week, my son and I had yet another 'discussion' (the alcohol was flowing freely) about Apple, he's a fan, I'm not...
I've just watched the video again, just to check that what I'd remembered was actually what they show. I've previously followed the development of the Hololens, as the idea of AR really appealed to me. Sure, Hololens hasn't taken the world by storm, and there's still the issue of the small FOV, but their applications made a whole lot more sense than Apple's. It's also exactly the same price as this new device.
Ok, we have a 'spatial operating system', and I guess we have to see it as such. Certainly 3D, but I only see 3D representations of flat screens, and they don't mention AR or VR at all.
Most of the applications shown seem to be aimed at people who live/work alone, as the interactions with others are disturbing to say the least. Having your eyes virtually appear on a screen? Anyone else find that creepy? The first thing that I wondered was whether there was an app to change to cartoon eyes, which now and then popped out on springs, and went 'boing'.
I'm see mentioned that they'll have a number of 'arcade games' at launch.
So this particular device is a wearable Imac. I would imagine that this tech would make a great VR system, but this isn't it. I don't know why they don't want to say/do 'VR', probably because they want to be completely innovative, rather than copy what others are already doing.
The video did make me check when we see Foundation season 2, though, which is the one great thing to come out of Apple:) Next month, yay!
By the way, posting at NZFF is the only time so far that I've seen the new Bing auto-complete in action, I guess it isn't new but this seems to be on by default now. It's currently on probation.
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Re: Apple Vision Pro

Postby emfrat » Sun Jun 11, 2023 11:37 am

Mind-boggling potential, for sure. Pity the text-to-speech thing for the captions slurred the words in several places. Combine this with the Bing Creator thing, and you could literally scare yourself to death :o
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