Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

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Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

Postby aerofoto » Fri Mar 24, 2017 9:10 pm

In addition to my earlier presentation here which focuses on both the "redeveloped" HJG DC-8 simulations .... and the "NEW" AIR NEW ZEALAND aspect of this particular project.

Here's another presentation .... similarly focussing on the AIR NEW ZEALAND DC-10-30's and which is based on HJG DC-10 simulations.

Once again I've purposely represented "the entire AIR NEW ZEALAND DC-10-30 fleet" .... similarly supporting each variation of livery and/or reconfiguration (minor though some of these were too) applied to these aircraft between January 1973 (with the delivery of ZK-NZL) until November 1983 (with the sale of our last aircraft .... ZK-NZR .... to ILFS and which was then leased to LAM as F-GDJK).

The majority of these DC-10 textures are already "currently downloadable" from the HJG website, but, each of missing fleet members are available "directly from myself" and for which there´s "NO CHARGE AT ALL" .... of course :)

ANYWAY .... the following presentation relates to each of the AIR NEW ZEALAND DC-10-30 fleet members represented for the HJG hosted DC-10-30's ....

ZK-NZL (1973)

ZK-NZM 1973) - with "1974 Commonwealth Games" legend

ZK-NZL (1974) - with "1974 Commonwealth Games" legend & logo

ZK-NZM (1975)

ZK-NZN (1976)

ZK-NZP (1978) - center cabin windows reconfiguration (I was, at first, dubious about representing this one .... for obvious historical reasons .... but .... I eventually decided that since this was intended to be "a historic representation" of the entire fleet, then, it couldn't not be included. What happened to -NZP is, and will forever be, a part of our civil aviation history/culture .... which shouldn't ever be forgotten or ignored)

ZK-NZQ (1982) - 1/4 nacelle engine striping plus NZ flag

ZK-NZR (1983) - 1/2 nacelle engine striping plus NZ flag

ZK-NZS (1980) - center cabin windows reconfiguration

ZK-NZT (1981) - center cabin windows reconfiguration

Along with the following lesser known hybrid livery too ....


In compiling this particular project I couldn't resist the temptation to represent AIR NEW ZEALAND DC-10-30´s in some of their post sale liveries too (those that we´ve been able to represent, so far, given the suitability of available references) .... so .... here they are also .... along with a little information concerning the history of each individual aircraft beyond its AIR NEW ZEALAND service ....

N821L (1981) - ex ZK-NZN

N821L (1983) - AIR PACIFIC lease from WESTERN AIRLINES - ex ZK-NZN

N144AA (1985) - ex ZK-NZN

ZK-NZN became the first of AIR NEW ZEALAND´s 7 remaining DC-10 aircraft (after 1979) to depart the fleet .... being sold to ILFC on April 14th 1981 and then leased to WESTERN AIRLINES as N821L. This transaction became the first ever sale of a foreign owned DC-10 to a US carrier. During its service with WESTERN AIRLINES this particular aircraft was also sub-leased to AIR PACIFIC (becoming the airlines first long-range wide-body equipment) to operate its Nadi/Honolulu/Los Angeles service from September 21st 1983 until December 28th 1984 when it was returned to ILFC. This aircraft was then sold to AMERICAN AIRLINES on January 3rd 1985, to become N144AA, and with whom it served until its withdrawal from service during December 2000 and storage at Mojave, California, USA. It was then sold to GA TELESIS TURBINE TECHNOLOGIES LLC on April 26th 2002 and scrapped later during 2002.

N136AA (1981) - ex ZK-NZL

ZK-NZL became the first DC-10-30 delivered to AIR NEW ZEALAND on January 27th 1973 .... under the command of captain Phil LE COUTER. This particular aircraft entered commercial service with the airline on February 3rd 1973 .... operating between Auckland and Sydney. It was sold to AMERICAN AIRLINES on October 21st 1981 and became N136AA. It was then sold to POLARIS LEASING CORPORATION during January 1984 and leased back to AMERICAN AIRLINES .... and with whom it was written-off/damaged beyond repair as the result of an aborted T/O attempt at Dallas FW, Texas, on May 21st 1988. "ACCIDENT REPORT - DC-10-30 N136AA .... ... -0&lang=es

N137AA (1982) - ex ZK-NZM

ZK-NZM was sold to AMERICAN AIRLINES on July 16th 1982 and became N137AA .... and with whom it served until its withdrawal from service and storage at Mojave, California, USA from November 2000. It was then sold to GA TELESIS TURBINE TECHNOLOGIES LLC on April 26 2002,

N138AA (1982) - ex ZK-NZQ

ZK-NZQ was sold to AMERICAN AIRLINES on September 17th 1982 and became N138AA. It was then sold to POLARIS LEASING CORPORATION during January 1994 then leased back to AMERICAN AIRLINES until October 1993 when it was withdrawn from service and stored at Marana, Arizona, USA. It was next sold to CONTINENTAL AIRLINES on January 19th 1996 and became N14074 (fleet # 074) .... and with whom it operated until it was finally withdrawn from service during August 2001 and stored at Mojave, California, USA. This particular aircraft was then sold to CONTINENTAL AIRLINES PURCHASING SERVICES on November 30th 2001 and scrapped during 2008.

CC-CJS "Valparaiso" (1982) - ex ZK-NZS

SE-DFH "Rurik Viking" (1990) - ex ZK-NZS

From June 13th 1982 and June 29th 1982 ZK-NZT and ZK-NZS were both leased to LAN CHILE for 4 years .... as CC-CJT (named "Valparaiso" fleet # 102) and CC-CJS (named "Santiago" fleet # 101) respectively. These particular aircraft became the airlines first long-range wide-body equipment.

CC-CJS was returned to AIR NEW ZEALAND, at Auckland, on July 8th 1986, upon the conclusion of its LAN CHILE lease and sold to ILFC on August 1st 1986 .... then onsold to SAS, as SE-DFH (named "Rurik Viking"), and by whom it was operated until October 10th 1990. During its SAS service this aircraft was also leased to the airlines SCANAIR subsidiary .... from October 4th 1986 until March 30th 1987 .... when it returned to SAS service. It was then sold to ELECTRA AVIATION on October 10th 1990 and leased to AIR OUTRE MER, as F-ODLY (named "Tourquiose"), then transferred to AOM FRENCH AIRLINES on March 1st 1992 after the AIR OUTRE MER/AOM merger, and then sold to the airline on October 5th 1999 and re-registered F-GTLY on May 5th 2000. It was next transferred to AIR LIB on October 28th 2001 after the AOM/AIR LIBERTE merger and with whom it remained until its withdrawal from service during February 2003 and storage at Havana, Cuba, where it has since been used as an instructional handling airframe. This aircrft was then sold to SOCIETE NORMANDIE D'ENTERPRISES SARL on October 17th 2005.

CC-CJT "Santiago" (1982) - ex ZK-NZT

Upon the expiry of its LAN CHILE lease CC-CJT was sold to ILFC during March 1986. It was then onsold to AMERICAN AIRLINES on June 17th 1986, as N164AA, and with whom it operated until its withdrawal from service during December 2000 and storage at Mojave, California, USA. On June 25 2001 it was sold to PACIFIC AIRCORP 46950 INC, then onsold to ART 46950 LLC on July 2nd 2003 and remains in storage at Marana, Arizona, USA.

F-GDJK "Maputo" (1983) - ex ZK-NZR

F-GDJK "Maputo" (1986) - ex ZK-NZR

ZK-NZR became the last DC10-30 to remain in AIR NEW ZEALAND service .... and flew its final commercial service for the airline on November 2nd 1983, operating between Hong Kong and Auckland, under the command of captain Ian HUTCHINS. This aircraft was sold to ILFC on December 18th 1982 and leased to UTA FRENCH AIRLINES, then sub-leased to LINHAS AEREAS DE MOCAMBIQUE, as F-GDJK (named "Maputo"), It was then sold to EQUATOR LEASING INC during September 1991 and leased back to LAM until May 2th 1992 when it was temporarily withdrawn from service and stored at Le Bourget, Paris, France. This aircraft was then leased to AIR MARTINIQUE from May 27th 1992 until September 1993. It was next leased to AOM FRENCH AIRLINES, as F-GNDC, from October 12th 1993 and sold to the airline during March 1996, then sold to RECHERCHE AVIATION GROUPE SA and leased back to AOM from April 18th 2001, and then transferred to AIR LIB on October 28th 2001 after the AOM/AIR LIB merger. It was next sold to SAS RECHERCE AVIATION GROUPE on January 1st 2002 and leased back to AIR LIB, and then sold to the airline on November 22nd 2002 and stored at Chateauroux, France. This aircraft was finally sold to AVICO on July 25th 2003 and scrapped during August 2004.

SO ONCE AGAIN FOLKS .... and in partnership with my earlier AIR NEW ZEALAND DC-8 presentation for FS .... this's my introduction to the HJG DC-10-30 simulations and featuring a distinctly New Zealand flavor ;)

A full appraisal of the HJG DC-10 project (featuring audio-visual presentations) may be viewed "HERE" ....



- All DC-10 3D models and FDE are FS2004 native but FSX portable

- All current DC-10 2D panels are FS2004 native (only) .... PLEASE NOTE: These panels "ARE NOT" (yet) FSX compatible/portable :(

- All DC-10 soundpacks are represented by separate FS2004 and FSX specific/native file versions.

Mark C
Last edited by aerofoto on Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

Postby Ian Warren » Sat Mar 25, 2017 6:25 am

Mark, I had just past 10 when I saw my first DC-10 , now 11 in January (15th) good on pop's was obviously a little plane crazy and took us all out to the airport to watch the DC-10 doing circuits around Christchurch International, the good kid years , we were out around 1800/1900 and did not get home till the late hours of that evening , they are another type which have this real appeal to them.
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Re: Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

Postby aerofoto » Sat Mar 25, 2017 8:45 am

Like my AIR NZ DC-8 fortunes during the 70's .... during the same period, and throughout the 80's, and into the 90's too .... I was similarly fortunate to fly on both AIR NZ, and other, DC-10-30's too ....

- AKL/MEL DC-10-30 ZK-NZM December 29th 1973
- AKL/HNL/LAX DC-10-30 ZK-NZN April 28th 1980
- LAX/HNL/RAR/AKL DC-10-30 ZK-NZS June 6th 1980 .... my last AIR NZ DC-10 flight :(


And then ....

- AKL/PPE DC-10-30 F-BTDB July 10th 1989
- PPE/AKL DC-10-30 N54629 July 25th 1989
- AKL/PPE DC-10-30 N54649 October 4th 1989
- AKL/PPE DC-10-30 N54649 October 16th 1989
- AKL/PPE DC-10-30 F-GHOI July 12th 1989
- AKL/PPE DC-10-30 F-BTDD July 24th 1989 .... my last ever AIR NZ DC-10 flight :(

The above flights each being UTA FRENCH AIRLINES services .... another great airline to fly with ....


UTA FRENCH AIRLINES DC-10-30 F-BTDB .... leased from SAS (to replace N54629) during 1990


I loved the DC-10 also .... an aircraft that looked like a jetliner should .... and sounded great too (especially if it was GE CF6-50 powered :) .... a very unique tone/sound) .... and one that featured a very comfortable cabin configuration also seconded only by that of the A300B and B767 IMHO.

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Re: Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

Postby Ian Warren » Sat Mar 25, 2017 9:06 am

It is funny when you follow exactly what happened to the aircraft and the airlines they moved to ... Course the Western Airlines aircraft was touted to be a ex-ANZ DC-10 in the movie 'Commando' , the kids were when growing up , can't get a DC-8 or a DC-10 to run around with , Allan my brother hooked into making a cardboard DC-10 , well I was not going to disappoint .. I hooked into making the DC-8 , completed and a lot off air time making airplane noises they both were displayed around the school region in the assembly halls ... primary school days were fun back then :)
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Re: Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

Postby aerofoto » Sat Mar 25, 2017 9:45 am

Our sale of ZK-NZN, to ILFS during April 1981 (they leased it to WESTERN AIRLINES where it became N821L .... and whom also sub leased it to AIR PACIFIC between 1983 and 1984) was actually "the first time" a foreign owned DC-10 (and I think airliner generally) had been sold to a US airline .... and which spoke particularly highly of AIR NZ's maintenance at the time .... and that it's entire DC-10-30 fleet was also eventually sold in excess of their book value too.

A number of foreign airlines got some "very good" aircraft given that AIR NZ's oldest DC-10 (ZK-NZL) was only 9 years old at the time of it's sale .... with the airlines youngest DC-10 fleet members (ZK-NZS and ZK-NZT) each being around 6 years old at the time of their parting out from the AIR NZ fleet.

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Re: Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

Postby Ian Warren » Sat Mar 25, 2017 10:00 am

Yeah , The Old DC-10 did not last that long .. Erebus had a lot to do with that and the airline hotch potch management denial did not help, really cooked there airline goose on the one.
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Re: Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

Postby aerofoto » Sat Mar 25, 2017 11:28 am

It was "THE MEDIA" that frightened everybody back in 1979 .... after a spate of DC-10 accidents around the world .... and which had the unfortunate effect of ultimately "screwing" the DC-10.

There was nothing wrong with the DC-10 .... at all .... and each of the accidents (including our own Erebus disaster) which occurred "after" the 1972 AA incident over Windsor/Ontario, and the 1974 TY accident outside Paris, but also, "before" the 1989 UA accident at Souix City, were in any way attributable to the integrity of the aircrafts design.

The DC-10 was really the first "GOOD" aircraft to be brought down by "BAD PRESS" :(

Given the media "beat up" of the DC-10 that occurred throughout 1979 .... following the AA accident at Chicago (which resulted in an unjustified 6 week grounding of all DC-10's worldwide .... not to mention huge losses then sustained by all DC-10 operators at the time too), and the WA accident at Mexico City, and then the NZ accident at Mt.Erebus too ..... AIR NZ was suddenly in "a hell of a difficult position. Due irresponsible an ill-informed/misguided media representation of what had happened involving DC-10's throughout 1979, many potential airline PAX .... around the world were .... were suddenly afraid to fly on DC-10's. This impacted AIR NZ quite severely and well into 1980 .... and coupled with McDONNELL-DOUGLAS's deferral of what was planned to become the DC-10 SUPER 60 SERIES (a stretched DC-10 mooted during the late 1970's and which ultimately evolved into the MD-11) .... the airline apparently felt that replacing its DC-10-30 fleet "early" .... with B747-200B's .... was in the best interests of it's recovery. The airline had previously been weighing-up both the projected DC-10 SUPER 60 SERIES, and the B747-200B from around 1977/78, and both AIRBUS and LOCKHEED, during this period also, could not offer another potential aircraft candidate to meet AIR NZ's payload and range requirements (prior to ordering DC-10's during the early 1970's the airline almost committed to the L-1011 TRISTAR, but, the ROLLS-ROYCE/LOCKHEED fiasco of the period created uncertainty in regard to the future of this particular aircraft .... particularly in regard to the development of heavier longer ranging versions of the L-1011 .... hence our eventual commitment to the DC-10-30) .... so .... the AIR NZ's decision was ultimately clinched "in favor of the B747-200B" .... and which history has since proven to have been the best/correct choice for our airline .... especially given the payload/range and other drag related under-performance problems which began to be realized by operators PAX configured MD-11's (it was superb freighter though) upon this aircrafts entry to service during the early 1990's :(

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Re: Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

Postby Ian Warren » Sat Mar 25, 2017 12:15 pm

Mark , Look at it this way .. the USAF love em , many of those crash's were simply ground crew ignorance/language , company pushing , the Souix City crash , they had a conference and dinner here at the Chateau hotel , I was lucky to get a ticket ... the airport fire chief name least call sign was 'Fire-dog' , he compared the Souix City to Christchurch in the City being near the same size and what could have been done better, amazing evening taken in all the do's and didn't and even the response.
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Re: Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

Postby aerofoto » Sat Mar 25, 2017 3:16 pm

Pilots loved the DC-10 too .... never heard a single pilot say anything uncomplementary about these aircraft.

In fact I knew foreign crews whom refused to accept upgrades to more modern technology .... some of whom even vacate vcertain airline in order to follow these aircraft when they left the fleets of major operators ....simply because they wanted to remain on DC-10's for as long as was practical.

Until the advent of the B747-400 .... the navigation system on the DC-10 was far superior.

BANGLADESH BIMAN AIRWAYS was the last operator of PAX configured DC-10's in the world .... withdrawing the type from service only 2-3 years ago :(

I think the FED EX operated DC-10-F's and MD-10-F's (the latter being DC-10's upgraded with EFIS type systems and modified for 2-man flight crew for compatibility with it's MD-11-F operations) have now withdrawn their last aircraft from service .... or are about to.

Apart from those KC-10's which make up the USAF inventory .... today, and so far as I'm aware, there are only 2 DC-10's remaining in "civil airline" service .... both of which are operated by KELOWNA FLIGHTCRAFT, in Canada, and which are DC-10-30F's (I actually saw one of these in MIA 4 weeks ago) ....



.... 1 of which is also currently represented by HJG as presented above ;)

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Re: Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

Postby Ian Warren » Sat Mar 25, 2017 4:21 pm

The BANGLADESH BIMAN AIRWAYS livery really did look smart on the DC-10 , ........ One thing always said , "Its a real pilots aircraft" My first and only DC-10 flight was a return from Sydney in 1980 , On landing back in CH Rwy20 North West, cabin crew mentioned it could be a little rough , not a bump at all or least affected me.
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Re: Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

Postby aerofoto » Sat Mar 25, 2017 5:32 pm

Old "BANGIE-BIMAN" (BANGLADESH BIMAN) .... yep .... we, at HJG, have got her well represented (among well over 100 other Dc-10 liveries) .... in the form of DC-10-30, S2-ACR "New Era", circa 2000 .... as follows ....


The worlds "last" DC-10 PAX hauler .... only retired 2-3 years ago and replaced with a B777 .... as I recall.

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Re: Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

Postby Ian Warren » Sat Mar 25, 2017 5:40 pm

Now that is a Admin Glitch to fix .. posting here regard to the DC-10 , and it turned up in the DC-8 department .
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Re: Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

Postby aerofoto » Sat Mar 25, 2017 6:22 pm

NAH .... that was "my fault" Ian :)

I had 2 pages open .... just to save time .... and inadvertently posted the 10 on the 8 thread.

Just as quickly realizing my error I was able to quickly switch the intended comments per C&P editing :)

Sorry about that :D

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Re: Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

Postby Ian Warren » Sat Mar 25, 2017 10:30 pm

What is the difference between a 8 and a 10 other than an upside down 6 .. making sure your really down under. :D
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Re: Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

Postby aerofoto » Sun Mar 26, 2017 7:27 am

What is the difference between a 8 and a 10 other than an upside down 6 .. making sure your really down under

WELL .... I have just returned to AKL 3-4 weeks ago after spending 3 months in BOG Colombia (for perfectly legitimate reasons I hasten to add :) ).

Living in Bogota put me north of the equatorial line .... so .... that's Northern Hemishere I guess .... therefore having only just recently returned to the Land Downunder might you be suggesting I could be a victim of "a sudden blood rush to my head" :) ;) :D

Just kidding Ian ;)

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Re: Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

Postby Ian Warren » Sun Mar 26, 2017 7:39 am

I do like the head twisting sense of humour without it we would not know which way is up.
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Re: Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

Postby aerofoto » Sun Mar 26, 2017 5:59 pm

OOH .... there's be times when I've been "up" when I'm down .... and "down" when I've been up .... even when I have, or haven't, been up or down geographically (hemispherically I should perhaps say/clarify) .... and other times when I honestly wouldn't know whether I was Arthur or Martha .... BUT .... I still keep coming back for more :)

FS .... and trying to (seriously) provide a quality service for everyones "FREE" enjoyment is kind of like that .... and one keeps on keeping on (or tries to at least) "if" one believes in what one's trying to do/offer and is genuine about it from the very start :)

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Re: Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

Postby Ian Warren » Sun Mar 26, 2017 6:35 pm

Only Arthur I new was a great guy but went by the name of 'Art' .. knew nothing of what I could do , intro'd him to flightsim eight or so years back, he had kid and thought they would be interested , he was sorta a little like 'Ned Flanders and Tod and Rod' a little odd.
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Re: Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

Postby aerofoto » Sat Apr 15, 2017 8:47 am

As per my AIR NZ DC-8 livery plans ....

I'm also going to try'n and get a mega-package of these historic AIR NZ DC-10 liveries uploaded ASAP .... for folk to access .... hopefully within the next few weeks and will advise, and provide a link here, once this's been achieved.

At the moment only a few AIR NZ DC-10 liveries available from the HJG website .... and whilst these "ARE" all the latest texture versions .... thee's a number of (albeit) minor variations of livery which "are not" yet available from HJG.

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Re: Air New Zealand DC-10 Project

Postby Ian Warren » Sat Apr 15, 2017 8:56 am

Most if they do see a slight variation they go in and paint it themselves and add to the list.
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