Clicking the "more info about purchasing" button got me a 170mb flight1 wrapper which installed as smoothly as they all do. As well as installing the plane it gave me a config utility ('tablet pc') which sent off my flight-1 cert number and activated the plane then allowed me to download liveries and the first of the promised patches. No previews on the liveries unfortunately, just the descriptions, and they're not in any sort of order so you have to look through pages and pages to see if the one you want is there. There's no ANZ paint yet although a few people have requested it.
Tablet PC includes a basic fuel planner (input the distance and cruise alt, and it gives you ZFW, fuel required and max payload), a load manager which lets you set the passenger and cargo load then gives you your weights and tells you how to distribute the fuel, and a takeoff calculator. I've never bothered with such things (fuel and engines are cheap at my airline and damn the neighbours, they shouldn't have built under a flightpath) but maybe I'll have to start. Tablet PC is also available from within FS9 while the plane is loaded although you can only get to the trip planning functions, and it looks like changes in Tablet PC are automatically applied to the current flight.
I haven't had time to go for a fly yet (tutorial flight scheduled for tonight
