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Canterbury Summer Fires

PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 5:32 pm
by Splitpin
This fire up and around Arthurs pass could have been under control now if the Air Force were given the MAFFS ( Modular Airborne Fire Fighting System)
Its designed to load straight into a C-130...Any version.
Position one or two here in NZCH , and one in the north of the south.
This will become an ongoing problem down here, its getting hotter and drier by the week.
It could and would save lives..... stop putting local chopper pilots lives at risk, for basically peeing in the wind with underslung buckets full of swimming pool water.

Re: Canterbury Summer Fires

PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 6:25 pm
by simonh
With MAFFS, the retardent can cover an area a quarter mile long and 100 ft wide, from the 22nd Air Force page.

Has a capacity of 10,000 litres and can discharge the entire load in five seconds.
It's a purpose designed ro-ro unit to the C-130 without any structural changes to the aircraft.
So, why don't we have any here for the fire season....