Boeing Netflix doco

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Boeing Netflix doco

Postby Splitpin » Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:15 pm

I've just finished watching a doco called "Downfall"
The whole horrible 737-Max story.
By the end of it , I was so angry. The cold hearted, arrogant attitude from Boeing is unbelievable.
I could go on, but I wont. If you can, I recommend you look it up.
Bottom line is, Boeing started down this track when they amalgamated with McDonnell Douglas, and a really bad culture change that resulted.
I would be interested in your thoughts.
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Re: Boeing Netflix doco

Postby Charl » Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:47 pm

Yes there's a lot of schadenfreude around Boeing and its decline.
But I suspect it's more than just the Ogres Arriving from McDonnell Douglas.
The MDD military side produced iconic aircraft like C-17 and F-15, shining examples of American aeronautical excellence.
Boeing as a whole - commercial, military, space - seems to have gone down a black hole.
Sending their empty spacecraft home from the ISS with its tail between legs a shining example of Not the Above.
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Re: Boeing Netflix doco

Postby cowpatz » Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:56 pm

Yes, it was a sort of reverse buy out. Up until then Boeing was run by engineers (and accountants of course) with emphasis on safety and reliability. When the McDonell Douglas accountants took over it was all about the bottom line. The engineers were shunned. An aviation travesty.
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Re: Boeing Netflix doco

Postby Splitpin » Sun Sep 08, 2024 4:28 pm

Thanks Charl and CP.
I guess in this case, and many others...what Wall Street wants...Wall Street gets.
As you said CP, Boeing was run by engineers, it was an engineering company....and still is I suppose, but not like it was.
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