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PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2024 7:56 am
by cowpatz
I have always loved the DC10 and the MD11. Really nice lines and some of the best cockpit ergonomics of the time.
The following video is of an Alpha version test flight flown by a recently retired MD11 pilot.
It looks and flies great and is just an Alpha version. I’ll be tempted.

Watch on


PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2024 1:53 pm
by Charl
My erstwhile neighbour and retired 747 captain flew DC10's and also was very fond of them.
He mentioned the extraordinary experience of turning the thing and finding yourself on the other side of the fence - the nosewheel being well behind the pilot seat!


PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2024 5:28 pm
by cowpatz
I worked as a ground engineer on them for a few years. A great machine from a maintenance point of view. I spent time in CHC for a while, during my engineering apprenticeship, and we would see in NZ227 from AKL, then dispatch it to SYD, and upon it's return send it to AKL as NZ228 (if my memory serves me correctly on the flight numbers). On the DC10-30 the centre main gear could be retracted and extend independently from the other gear. So, coming from AKL and SYD it would land with the centre gear up (if light enough) so that the company was only charged for a DC10-10 landing fee (It had no centre gear). Sometimes it was necessary to extend the centre gear when parked at the gate, to prepare it for a heavy takeoff. This involved lowering it via gravity assist, depressurising the strut, and then physically rolling the gear into the locked down position and then reinflating the strut with Nitrogen. We did have a scare once when the aircraft dispatched and the only cart left on the gate was the oxygen cart! Thankfully the engineer responsible had returned it to the shed before going home. A few anxious moments though with Flight ops and ATC. Oxygen and oil are not a good mix, especially under pressure.
The DC10 was underbraked for its mass, however, there was an upgrade to the antiskid system (MK3) and this made it capable of WLG ops with relative ease. It was exciting watching it arrive (and later it's replacement the 747-200) and attempting to land at CHC with a howling NorWester. Many a go-around was observed. Rwy 11/29 was not long enough.

Charl what is your neighbours name?