NZPP Kapiti Coast Airport for MSFS is on the
NZA Simulations Road Map for future development.
They were going to do Wellington NZWN but have since withdrawn from doing further NZWN Wellington development as NZA Simulations had approached another Developer
Flightbeam to corroborate with who had already done NZWN for P3D. However Mir from Flightbeam indicated to NZA Simulations that Flightbeam will be porting over their NZWN P3D version into MSFS sometime in August.
NZA Simulations is currently focused on Development of NZCH Christchurch for MSFS.
Please Feel free to join NZA Simulations discussions on Discord: have a NZA Requests Channel under their Library section where you can.
Submit Requests for NZ and AU Scenery, Liveries etc.
You might like to make contact and submit your pics to assist them with their road mapped NZPP future development.
If you want to hear some more about NZA Simulations background and what they are currently doing as a Flight Sim Developer listen to this recent
THE TOWER PODCAST EP. 1 | Australian Flight Sim Podcast | Hosted by Aus Virtual Pilots from last weekend.