Hello Nathan - found this on Avsim. It is included in a file named
small_new_zealand_carriers.zip, but it might be quicker to just search for Rob Corp.
RomeoCharlie's CreAItions: Sounds Air flightplans April 2012
Here are FS2004 AI flightplans for the New Zealand regional carrier Sounds Air.
Practical stuff
1. These plans have been made using Don Grovestine's AIFPv2. I recommend it as the best way to compile plans. It can be downloaded from
http://stuff4fs.com/newpage.asp?Folder=AIFP2a. If you use TTools to compile plans, please change the aircraft speeds in the aircraft.txt file to 200 and then compile.
2b. If you are an FSX user, you will need to convert these FS9-format plans. You can do this either with AIFPv2 (see above) or the FS9-FSX convertor from Peter van der Veen -
http://aifs2.pvdveen.net/?download=FP_FS9_FSX.zip3. Repaints:
A repaint for the Sounds Air Cessna C208B Grand Caravan by Symon Long is available from his site at
www.longsite.co.uk or by searching for htai_c208b_sounds_air_sl.zip at Avsim.com
Always follow the original modeller's and the repainter's readme files when installing textures.
4. Info:
Airline - Sounds Air
Callsign - SOUNDSAIR
Parking code - SDA
5 Small print - due to the limitations of the FS AI engine, it is not always possible to 100% replicate an airline's real-life flying schedule. Consequently, some legs may have to be altered or left out to make the whole plans work.
Legal stuff
This package, and its contents, can not be redistributed in any way without the author (ie me) giving his explicit and written permission.
Rob Corp
April 2012
London, UK
creAItions@gmail.comTwitter: @inmyanorak