Tauranga AI

The official Forum for the GNZLAP and Charl's other NZ AI addons

Postby Pedro » Tue Oct 17, 2006 9:39 am

Hi Charl,
I'm enjoying The GNZLAP and would like to know whether The Aircraft used by Bay Flight at Tauranga are simulated, namely ZK-MAT, ZK-MUM, ZK-SON Etc. Tauranga Airport is very hectic most days and to see more of these in action would be great. Do they sit on their concrete pads by the flight school at any time. It might be that I have a setting wrong or something. It is more likely that I am expecting too much? What I do see is great but it does take a while for anything to happen.
I flew from Tauranga to Great Barrier then on to Auckland then Hamilton and then back to Tauranga with only seeing ZK-PLA. Would that be normal in the run of things?
Great Project. Looking forward to the next installment

Peter :clap: :thumbup: :plane:
Last edited by Pedro on Tue Oct 17, 2006 9:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby Charl » Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:30 am

...Bay Flight at Tauranga are simulated

Absolutely not! The GNZLAP core theme is authenticity.
See this thread:
http://z11.invisionfree.com/nzff/index. ... c=731&st=0
There are included flights to help you spot AI.
In the Flight selection menu, look in NZ not My Saved Flights and there's one for Tauranga.
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Postby Pedro » Tue Oct 17, 2006 12:27 pm

I'm Sorry Charl. Wrong choice of word it seems. I have been there and have not seen any of those planes. I thought I saw ZK-MUM at a distant strip but the paint job was different. I'm off again for another look see.......

Peter :plane:
Last edited by Pedro on Tue Oct 17, 2006 5:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby Pedro » Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:10 am

I found ZK_MUM at North shore. The paint scheme was not Bay flight colours.
I wanted to upload a picture but can't find a way of doing it. When I loaded the flight in FS a message appeared saying that the flight you are trying to open is missing an associated flight plan.
Any Help please
Peter :plane:

Postby Charl » Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:42 am

You can ignore the flight plan warning, but you seem not have AI - there is a static a/c at NZNE wearing ZK-MUM.
Try the Tauranga flight. You should see all the Bay Flight a/c lined up in front of you.
If not, read the readme and start again, making sure you have all the sim settings right to display AI.
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Postby Pedro » Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:54 pm

Well I must have done something wrong. :wub: After a reinstall of the folders I now have AI. The only thing I have found at Tauranga is that the Bayflight Cessna 152s are parked in front of Sunair just right of the terminal building. (RealNZ Scenery). Is this correct? I see that in your screenshot forum pictures that they are parked on the grass next to the Bayflight Office and on the concrete pads. Is there an alteration to the AFCAD that changes what I see. When the included flight at Tauranga opens ZK-OSL & FIL are just to the right of the plane on the grass next to Bayflight.
Everything else, I'm pleased to say, is Hunky Dory.

Great Project :thumbup: :plane:


Postby Charl » Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:02 pm

Glad you came right.
Yes after Robin posted the move I updated the AFCAD and it will be included in the next GNZLAP release.
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