Heya guys just wondering if anyone has had bad micro stuttering in Xplane 11 and fixed it? If so what did you do, Ive tried lowering my sliders and messed around with different Vsync settings between Nvidia Control panel and in game, have even swithched all Vsync off in both and played in offline mode. It comes right every now and then, then it just goes back to stuttering, especially on the runway taking off its driving me balmy because its such a great looking sim but the stutters are ruining it for me. Ive been dogged by this with FSX and Prepar3d and I cant believe Im still gettin it on a 64bit game. My specs are i7 7770 GTX1050Ti 4GB and 8 GB of ddr4 ram, any help would be much appreciated. If I cant fix this I will go back to Aerofly FS2 where I,m getting around 250-300 FPS whenever and wherever I fly with awesome graphics, cant beat that lol, its a shame because Xplane is so alive with moving traffic n all, bummer man